MiniBlog: Bashing Millennials is a Sin

Do I need to justify my proposal? 

In most areas of life, there is cultural accountability for not viewing one’s way as the best way. One race is not better than another. One gender is not better than the other. A blue collar worker is not better than a white collar worker. And the list goes on. 

As can be expected, there are those who openly believe their race, gender, or socio-economic class is better. In most cases, those people are shunned for their arrogance and naïveté, but for some reason generational pretension is seen as a virtue. Let me emphasize this: it shows great insecurity, not strength, to bash another generation. 

The bashing goes both ways, and it’s childish. Each generation has its strengths and weaknesses. Sure, (on average) we may be more entitled, but we (on average) are more committed to social justice issues, better advocates of mental health, and are masters of technological efficiency. 

In Galatians 2 Peter is caught being ethnocentric. Rightly, Paul rebukes him for his sin. He had pride in his ethnicity just as some of us have pride in our generation. I believe Paul would give the same rebuke to a person who is bashing another generation.

If you are truly concerned with our generation, I challenge you to prove it by mentoring a millennial. I have been freed from entitlement and laziness mostly because I had great mentors from the Gen X and Baby Boomer generations. Don’t tear us down for being different, build us up so we can work toward a better future together.